
豊浦層群歌野層から産出した球果目枝葉化石Pagiophyllum sp.(Coniferalean leafy shoot Pagiophyllum species derived from the Utano Formation of the Toyora group, southwest Japan.)


今回は,豊関農道(グリーンロード)の法面施工時(2003年3月)に豊浦層群歌野層の灰黒色シルト〜シルト質の縞状泥岩から採取した球果類の枝条化石であるPagiophyllum sp.について報告したいと思います。


Fig.1 下関市阿内中尾の歌野層から採取した球果類のPagiophyllum





採取した当時の産出層名は豊浦層群西中山層でしたが,この産地北東のほぼ地層走向延長上にある約0.5km付近林道沿い(岡集落の北)Protogrammoceas nipponicumに属するアンモナイトのPolyplectus okadaiFucciniceras nakayamenseが極まれに産出したことから,この層準ではないかと考えていましたが間違いでした。


ちなみに,この岡集落の北の林道沿いから西中山層のアンモナイト化石帯の最下位を占めるFontanelliceras fontanellense帯に属するCanavaria japonicaが報告されていますが,これが間違いなければFontanelliceras fontanellense帯が異様に厚く分布することになりますので,これは何かあると思ったことがあります。

というのも,菊川町の西中山あたりでよく知られる白みがかった泥岩,これは棚部ほか(1982)のNa部層(HiranoNm部層下部)に相当する凝灰質泥岩にあたり,Fontanelliceras やPaltarpites,Canavariaなどのアンモナイトがたまに出るのですが,阿内地域ではその白い泥岩がその林道の南方の岡集落南東の山中の尾根付近のみに分布していて極めて希にアンモナイトが産出したのですが,そこからFontanelliceras fontanellense帯のCanavaria japonicaを採取したことがあるからです。Nm部層下部というのは,Fontanelliceras fontanellense帯とProtogrammoceas nipponicum帯の下半部を併せたくらいの範囲になります。


今回のPagiophyllumの化石は,豊田町の西中山層からすでに球果類のElatides sp. が報告されていたことから,本属の別種ではないかと思われたのですが,持ち帰ってよく検討したところ,Elatidesではなく,イングランドの中部ジュラ系から報告されたPagiophyllum insigne Kendallの枝条に最も近いことがわかりました。今回のPagiophyllumと時代も同じくらいです。


以下,Pagiophyllum  sp.の記載になります。


Form-genus Pagiophyllum Heer, 1881

Pagiophyllum  sp.

Fig. 1


 Locality: Ochi, Shimonoseki City: Uano Formation (Middle Juassic).

 Occurrence: Very rare.

 Description: Obtained is a single leafy shoot with a related stem. The leafy shoot is 18.5cm in length. The leaves are herically disposed and closely set on thick axis. Free part of leaves is 1.5-2.2cm long and 3-4mm wide, generally lanceolate in abaxial view and somewhat falcate at the distal portion and sometimes recurved, with acuminate apex and decurrent leaf-base. Rather crowded and parallel veins are indistinctly visible, but no keel is visible on the abaxial surface of a leaf. Reproductive organs are unknown. Cuticle is not preserved.

 Comparison: The characters of the leafy shoot above mentioned are closest to those of Pagiophyllum insigne Kendall described by Kendall (1948) from the English Yorkshire flora. But the leafy-form of Pagiophyllum sp. is more linear and elongate than that of Pagiophyllum insigne.

The leafy shoots of Elatides asiatica (Yokoyama) Krassilov known from the Lower Jurassic to Lower Cretatious of north-east China, Central AsiaDenmark, etc. are similar in many respects to Pagiophyllum sp., but differ from the latter by having a well-marked keel (midrib?). Elatides asiatica was originally described by Yokoyama (1906) from the Jurassic of north-east china as Palissya manchurica, and then P. manchurica was transferred to the form-genus Elatocladus by Yabe (1922) on the basis of affinities with E. subzamioides known from Siberia. Elatides asiatica, Elatocladus manchurica and E. subzamioides belong at present to one and the same species though there are some morphological differences. The leafy-form of Pagiophyllum sp. is close to that of manchurica-type having the smaller-sized leaf.

 The leafy shoots of Elatides sp. described by Kimura et al. (1986) from the Lower Jurassic Nishinakayama Formation also resemble those of Pagiophyllum sp. in leaf-form, but are smaller in size than the latter, with a single keel and obtusely pointed apex.

  In this report I can not make specific identity to the present leafy shoot because of its ill-preservation.

Kendall, M. W. (1948): On six spesies of Pagiophyllum from the Jurassic of Yorkshire and Southern England. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (12) 1, pp. 73-108.

Kimura, T., Naito, G., and Ohana, T. (1986): Early Jurassic plants in Japan. Part 7. Fossil plants from the Nishinakayama Formation, Toyora Group, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Southwest Japan. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N. S., No. 144, pp. 528-540, pls. 99-100.

Yabe, H. (1922): Notes on some Mesozoic plants from Japan, Koria and China, in the collection of the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology of Tohoku Imperial University. Sci. Rep., Tohoku Imp. Univ., 2nd Ser., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-28, pls. 1-4.

Yokoyama, M. (1906): Mesozoic plants in China. Jour. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Japan, vol. 21, art. 9, pp. 1-39, pls. 1-12.


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