
ジュラ系豊浦層群阿内層から産出した球果目Elatocladusの枝葉(A Jurassic Elatocladus shoot derived from the Ohchi Formation of the Toyora Group, southwest Japan)


Elatocladus 属

Elatocladus sp.

Stratigraphic position: the upper part of the Ohchi Formation in the Ohchi area.
Stratigraphic level: facies number Oc2 ? (Oxfordian)

Elatocladus sp.

本種は,ヒノキ科のネズミサシ(Juniperus rigida)に似ていて,細長い葉の先は鋭くとがっています。葉の付け根の部分に,腋芽がついた標本はめったに産出しないので珍しいです。

Elatocladus sp.

 This species is one specimen only. Leaves are up to 22 mm long and up to 1 mm wide. This coniferous shoot is similar to that of the living Juniperus rigida in Japan.
However, leaves are not ternate, but oppositely disposing like those of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. This leafy shoot bears axillary buds from leaf bases.

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